Industrial equipment and machinery are crucial to your business’ day to day operation. It is important that this equipment operates at the highest level so that there will be fewer issues that slow down the industrial process. Precision Maintenance is one of the keys to maintaining your machines and equipment for maximum uptime and production.
Follow these 10 steps to achieve Precision Maintenance success.

Be aware of trends, issues, and shortage in Precision Maintenance skills affecting today’s business
Identify what causes machines and equipment not to achieve a certain level of precision during operations. At the same time, a shortage in the people who know precision skills is also becoming a big issue every year.
Understand the history and impact of Precision Maintenance Once these issues have been identified, it is time to start changing the organization’s mindset towards Precision Maintenance. New expectations have to be set to achieve success.
Assess Precision Maintenance skills An assessment of the workforce’s skills will enable the organization to create a plan that aims to transform them into highly skilled craftsmen. As a result, they can maintain machines better.
Have senior management lead and sponsor Precision Maintenance Members of the senior management need to lead the movement for Precision Maintenance. They should fully support the development of Precision Maintenance through training, follow up discussions, and application of this process in the day to day maintenance of equipment.
Communicate processes and standards to all involved Every member of the team must know and understand how they can contribute to achieving Precision Maintenance success. Make sure to communicate relevant matters to them.
Implement training Conducting a hands-on Precision Maintenance training for the members of your team will help them learn the necessary skills to maintain their equipment.
Apply skills learned Upon learning new skills from Precision Maintenance training, your employees will be ready to transform poorly functioning equipment to more reliable machines. The skills learned are applied for the long term improvement of your operations.
Measure the results Check if you have achieved measurable results such as a reduction in energy consumption, increase in incremental production and reduction of overall vibration levels, among others.
Monitor and review progress Conducted 3 to 6 months after implementation, a progress review can help check which areas are successful and which ones need improvement.
Ensure sustainability Focus must be placed on continuously improving the standards and maintenance process for your equipment. When old habits re-emerge or things are done incorrectly, they should be corrected and expectations must be re-aligned.
You can read the full version of this article “10 Steps to Precision Maintenance Success” in the February/March 2019 edition of Uptime Magazine.
Let Hendrix Precision Maintenance Services be your partner in achieving Precision Maintenance success. Reach out to our team to begin discussing your implementation strategy today!
This entry was posted in Precision Maintenance and tagged Assess Skills, Sustainability, Training Implementation.